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Guest, RN

George Allen


George Allen

68 years old



Dr. David Carter



Emergency Contact

Mary Allen (Wife), XXX-555-7890

Chief Complaint

“I've been feeling short of breath for the past few weeks, and I can't seem to catch my breath, especially when walking or doing anything physical.”

Medical History

- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Diagnosed 7 years ago
- Smoking History: 40 pack-years (quit 3 years ago)
- Hypertension
- Hyperlipidemia
- Seasonal Allergies
- History of Pneumonia: Hospitalized 2 years ago


Sulfa drugs (rash and itching)

Question 1

What does the ABG indicate about the patient’s respiratory status?

The ABG shows respiratory acidosis with elevated PaCO2, indicating impaired gas exchange due to emphysema

Question 2

Why was the combination of albuterol and ipratropium prescribed?

Albuterol/Ipratropium Use: This combination therapy helps open airways, relieving acute symptoms and supporting better airflow in obstructive lung conditions.

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George Allen

68 years old



Dr. David Carter



Emergency Contact

Mary Allen (Wife), XXX-555-7890

Chief Complaint

“I've been feeling short of breath for the past few weeks, and I can't seem to catch my breath, especially when walking or doing anything physical.”

Medical History

- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Diagnosed 7 years ago
- Smoking History: 40 pack-years (quit 3 years ago)
- Hypertension
- Hyperlipidemia
- Seasonal Allergies
- History of Pneumonia: Hospitalized 2 years ago


Sulfa drugs (rash and itching)

Question 3

Why is it important to taper the dose of corticosteroids?

Steroid Tapering: Gradual reduction of corticosteroids prevents adrenal crisis by allowing natural cortisol production to resume.

Question 4

What is the purpose of adding a long-acting beta-agonist (LABA) to this patient’s medication regimen?

LABA in COPD: LABAs provide sustained bronchodilation, helping prevent symptom recurrence and supporting long-term management of COPD.

George Allen

68 years old



Dr. David Carter



Emergency Contact

Mary Allen (Wife), XXX-555-7890

Chief Complaint

“I've been feeling short of breath for the past few weeks, and I can't seem to catch my breath, especially when walking or doing anything physical.”

Medical History

- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Diagnosed 7 years ago
- Smoking History: 40 pack-years (quit 3 years ago)
- Hypertension
- Hyperlipidemia
- Seasonal Allergies
- History of Pneumonia: Hospitalized 2 years ago


Sulfa drugs (rash and itching)

Question 5

Why is patient education on inhaler use important before discharge?

Inhaler Education: Ensures that the patient is using the device correctly for optimal therapeutic effect and symptom relief.

Question 6

What are key signs of a COPD exacerbation that the patient should be educated to recognize?

COPD Exacerbation Signs: Early recognition and treatment of worsening symptoms can prevent hospital readmission and further complications.

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